Installation of R and R packages


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  • hochgeladen 14. November 2020

This instructional video describes how to install the R system for statistical computing and graphics from and the integrated user intercase RStudio from It is explained how to install packages as a non-administrative user, how to maintain a clean system, and how to handle version and dependency conflicts of packages.

The video is licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY-ND 3.0.

Bildungseinrichtungen: Fakultät Umweltwissenschaften
Berechtigung: Ja

Mehr Medien in "Fakultät Umweltwissenschaften"

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25. Oktober 2022 12:13:15 CEST

The video is still applicable for the recent R version with one exception: For R 4.2.x the location of the user library (mentioned after minute 10 in the video) has changed. It is now found in the folder `c:\Users\\AppData\Local\R\` where is the login name of the current user.

This is a hidden folder of Windows, so may not be easy to find. However, it is always better to use the regular way to keep the set of packages up to date, so the last part of the video is just a last resort method.